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2018 ۷ι ø (2018 Global Flea Market)
ۼ : Ѿб (help@hanyang.ac.kr)   ۼ : 2018.10.16   ȸ : 2009

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2018 ۷ι ø (2018 Global Flea Market) 

ȳϼ! Ѿб ۷ι ȫ HISA (Hanyang College of Engineering International Student Ambassador)Դϴ.  11 1 , 11ú 3ñ  1а ðž տ ۷ι ø 簡 Դϴ. ̿ Ͽ 10 15() 10 29()  濵 ( 4 ǰ ޽ϴ. ǰ Ͻþ  ʰų Ʊ Ƿ, ʴ , ȭǰ, å, ֽø ˴ϴ. ǰ ֽ е鿡Դ ǰ 帳ϴ.   , ǰ ֽô е ̸ θ ̴ Ź帳ϴ. 




Hello !

This is Hanyang College of Engineering International Student Ambassador (HISA). On this upcoming November 1 (Thursday),a global flea market event will be held from 11a.m. to 3p.m. in front of the clock tower of the 1st engineering building. In this regard, from Oct. 15th(Mon) to Oct. 29th(Mon), the Engineering Support Team (Engineering Center-4th floor) will be receiving donation from students. The list of goods includes various items such as garments that do not fit in size, garments that are not to be used, non-used stationery, cosmetics, books, small appliances, etc. Also, after the event, donations will be made in the name of everyone who donates the items, so please join us.  

Thank you. 



! 们汉阳学学ݻ国际传HISA(Hanyang College of Engineering International Student Ambassador)们预计将111,߾113,学馆钟楼广场举国际ԯ场动 





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